How We Teach

A sophisticated cloud-based eLearning platform offering Real-time fully interactive classrooms

  • Pupils are taught in timetabled classrooms.
  • Teachers will constantly monitor pupils’ interaction and respond to general questions or privately to individual queries. The absence of distractions or disruptions enables teachers to devote themselves entirely to teaching and learning
  • During the lesson, pupils communicate with the teacher and each other through a wide variety of mediums. By giving every pupil the opportunity to directly and privately message the teacher it means that no question is ever left unspoken or unanswered.
  • G & G Edu Consult and Services is real school community where all pupils feel the benefits of modern technology combined with personalised learning. Pupils have their own personal school hub from which to access every part of the school; the learning area, live classes, course resources, clubs, societies, the common room, social media area, timetable etc
  • Personal feedback from teachers keeps students constantly up to date. Parents too can keep up to date with their son’s or daughter’s progress and contact staff at any time